Empowering others: sharing experiences, ideas; offering creative solutions to common challenges.

Write to me at b.able2@yahoo.com

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How Do You Do...Fastening a Watch?

Watches can be found in several different types of styles, with very different watchbands. Of course, I love a nice-looking watch! But there are two very distinct features that I seek in a watch. First, I need to be able to see the numbers on the face. I typically look for a watch with a large face or with easy to read numbers. Since I am a health care professional, I also like a second hand. The second feature I analyze is the clasp fastening. It has to be a type that I can do by myself and without taking alot of time. My favorite "work" watch is made by Invicta with a two-tone stainless steel hinged bracelet clasp. Unfortunately I recently broke one of the links. These are my other two favorites. One is a typical buckle style fastener  (the brown one) and the other (the gold watch) has a double-fold clasp. I can fasten both of these watches pretty easily using  the prosthesis (either the hook or the Adept terminal device) or with my residual limb. Let's look at how I do this task. Please remember that these are descriptions of how I accomplish tasks. There are many methods and strategies to accomplishing tasks. It is my hope that this blog will serve as a springboard of thought and empowerment to others to find successful techniques that will work for you, your clients or your loved ones who might be experiencing challenges. So let's check this out...
Without a prosthesis:
First the traditional buckle style watchband:
Positioning is important for my success. I wear my watch on my left wrist and will typically support  my left forearm on my left thigh to stabilize the area so that I can best maneuver my residual limb. I 'grasp' the watch with the crook of my right elbow and position the watch on my wrist.

Then I manipulate the band so that I will be able to feed the end into the buckle.

Once it is through the buckle, I pull it the remainder of the way using the terminal end of my residual limb and my left thigh.
I use my residual limb  to push the strap though the placement holders once through the buckle

so the watch is completely fastened.

And now the double hinge metallic strap:
Again, positioning is a key to sucess. I drape the watch over my wrist using my residual limb. My left forearm is supported on my thigh to stabilize my arm during the task.
I align the strap onto the prongs of the clasp
and use my residual limb to push the clasp and hook it together

Then I push the second hinge over the first in the same fashion

And it's on!

With a prosthesis:
The traditional buckle watchstrap:
I drape the watch on my wrist, pinch the strap, push and then pinch and pull it to get it through the buckle.

And it's on!
And finally the double hinge watchstrap:
I grasp the watch with the terminal device and position it on my wrist.

I line up the hooks on the clasp and then pinch

Then I fold over the second hinge and repeat the process
And the watch is on.

I must confess that photographs give the appearance of simplicity. I have spent many hours practicing these techniques, beginning when I was very young. Don't be discouraged... any  skill worth acquiring is worth working toward with diligence! And being maximally functionally independent is a worthy goal.

Next to be published will be buttoning the cuff button ... Check back next week!!
In the meantime, be well, be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Debi,
    Just wanted to say thanks so much for your blog! Today, a little boy in a small village in Niger (west Africa) learned how to tie his shoes with just his left hand . . . thanks to your shoe-tying post.

    I'm an Occupational Therapist in a hospital in the village of Galmi. I have an 11 year old patient who is about to lose his right hand from the wrist down . . . pretty tough in a culture where the left is considered 'unclean'. The best part is, he goes to school. In a country where 10-15% of the population are literate, this is huge. So we've been working on handwriting skills, and today was shoe tying, as his school uniform includes closed shoes.

    So thank you! Please keep the posts coming!


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